Orion-14B Model Commercial License Application
请完整填写以下栏位信息并成功送出表单,您即可立即取得《Orion-14B模型商用许可协议》的商用许可。许可内容,请见官网许可协议全文。Please fill out the following fields completely and successfully submit the form to immediately obtain the commercial license for the 'Orion-14B Models Commercial License Agreement.' For details of the license, Please refer to the official website for the full text of the agreement.

Orion-14B Series Models Community License Agreement

Version: 1.0

Date of Release: 2024.01.21


1. Definition


“Agreement” refers to the terms and conditions defined in this Orion-14B SeriesModels Community License Agreement for the use, reproduction, and distribution of Yi

Series Models.


“Model” refers to associated components (including checkpoints) developed based on machine learning, including learned weights and parameters (including the

status of optimizer).


Orion-14B SeriesModels” refers to open-source models with different specifications and capabilities provided by the Licensor, including:

Orion-14B-Base】Base model

Orion-14B-Chat】Chat model

Orion-14B-LongChat】Long context chat model

Orion-14B-Chat-RAG】Retrieval augmented generation chat model

Orion-14B-Chat-Plugin】Chat model with plugin capability

Orion-14B-Base-Int4】4-bit integer quantized base model

Orion-14B-Chat-Int4】4-bit integer quantized chat model


“Derivatives” refers to all modifications to Orion-14B SeriesModels, work based on Orion-14B SeriesModels, or any other models created or initialized by transferring the weights, parameters, activations, or output patterns of Orion-14B SeriesModels to other models to achieve similar performance, including but not limited to methods that require using intermediate data representations or generating synthetic data based on Orion-14B SeriesModels to train other models.


“Licensor” refers to Beijing Orionstar Technology Co., Ltd.


“you” refers to an individual or legal entity that exercises the license granted by this Agreement and/or uses the Orion-14B SeriesModels for any purpose and in any field of use.


“Third Party” refers to any individuals, legal entities, or non-legal organizations other than you.


“Distribute” refers to transmitting, copying, publishing, or otherwise sharing the Orion-14B SeriesModels with third parties, including providing the Orion-14B SeriesModels through electronic or other remote means (such as any SaaS software or PaaS software accessed via API or web access).


“Commercial Purposes” refers to the use of the Orion-14B SeriesModels, directly or indirectly, for the operation, promotion, revenue generation, or any other profit-making purposes for entities or individuals.


“Laws and Regulations” refers to the laws and administrative regulations of the mainland of the People's Republic of China (for the purposes of this Agreement only, excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan).


“Personal Information” refers to various information related to identified or identifiable natural persons recorded electronically or by other means, excluding information that has been anonymized.


“Logo” refers to any trademark, service mark, trade name, domain name, website name, or other distinctive branding marks.


2. License and License Restrictions

The Licensor hereby grants you a non-exclusive, global, non-transferable, on-sub-licensable, revocable, and royalty-free copyright license. You must adhere to the following license restrictions:


1) Your use of the Orion-14B SeriesModels must comply with the Laws and Regulations as well as applicable legal requirements of other countries/regions, and respect social ethics and moral standards, including but not limited to, not using theOrion-14B SeriesModels for purposes prohibited by Laws and Regulations as well as applicable legal requirements of other countries/regions, such as harming national security, promoting terrorism, extremism, inciting ethnic or racial hatred, discrimination, violence, or pornography, and spreading false harmful information.


2) You shall not, for military or unlawful purposes or in ways not allowed by Laws and Regulations as well as applicable legal requirements of other countries/regions, a) use, copy, or Distribute theOrion-14B SeriesModels, or b) create complete or partial Derivatives of the Orion-14B SeriesModels.


3) Your use of the Orion-14B SeriesModels (including using the output of the Orion-14B SeriesModels) and the creation of Derivatives must not infringe upon the legitimate rights of any Third Party, including but not limited to the rights of personal rights such as the right to likeness, reputation, and privacy, as well as intellectual property rights such as copyrights, patents, trade secrets, and other property rights.


4) You must clearly attribute the source of the Orion-14B SeriesModels to the Licensor and provide a copy of this Agreement to any Third-Party users of the Orion-14B SeriesModels and Derivatives.


5) If you modify the Orion-14B SeriesModels to create Derivatives, you must clearly indicate the substantial modifications made, and these modifications shall not violate the license restrictions of this Agreement. You shall not enable, assist, or in any way facilitate Third Parties to violate the license restrictions of this Agreement.


If you plan to use the Orion-14B SeriesModels and Derivatives for Commercial Purposes, please refer to the Registration Form of Orion-14B SeriesModels for Commercial Purposes (“Registration Form”), available at https://www.orionstar.com/llm-license.html and to complete the registration and obtain the license for Commercial Purposes. If you obtained the license for Commercial Purposes and use the Orion-14B SeriesModels and Derivatives for Commercial Purposes, you must comply with the afore-mentioned license restrictions.



3. Intellectual Property

The ownership of the Orion-14B SeriesModels and their related intellectual property rights is solely held by the Licensor.


In any circumstance, without the prior written consent of the Licensor, you are not allowed to use any Logo associated with the Licensor. If your use of the Licensor's Logo in violation of this Agreement causes any losses to the Licensor or others, you will bear full legal responsibility.


Within the scope of the granted license, you are authorized to modify the Orion-14B series models to create derivative works. You may assert intellectual property rights over the portions of the derivative works that are the product of your creative labor.



4. Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability


The Orion-14B SeriesModels are provided "AS IS." The Licensor does not provide any express or implied warranties for the Orion-14B SeriesModels, including but not limited to stability, ownership, merchantability, non-infringement, or fitness for a specific purpose of the Orion-14B SeriesModels and their output results. You assume all responsibilities for the risks and consequences arising from the use, reproduction, and distribution of the Orion-14B SeriesModels, and the creation of Derivatives.


The Licensor complies with Laws and Regulations at all stages of model training, maintaining the legality, authenticity, accuracy, objectivity, and diversity of data and algorithms. The Licensor is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental consequences, and other losses or damages related to your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Orion-14B SeriesModels, and the creation of Derivatives under this Agreement. This includes but is not limited to:


1) The Licensor is not responsible for data security risks resulting from your use of the Orion-14B SeriesModels.


2) The Orion-14B SeriesModels may contain Personal Information. When you use Orion-14B SeriesModels, you acknowledge that you are the data processing entity as defined under the Laws and Regulations responsible for determining the processing methods and purposes of Personal Information. You must comply with legal requirements for processing any Personal Information that may be contained in the Orion-14B SeriesModels and assume the associated legal responsibilities, as well as the risks

and consequences of processing Personal Information.


3) The Licensor is not liable for reputation risks arising from your use of the Orion-14B SeriesModels or the output results of the Orion-14B SeriesModels.


4) The Licensor is not liable for intellectual property risks associated with your use of the Orion-14B SeriesModels’ output results.


If your use, reproduction, distribution of the Orion-14B SeriesModels, or the creation of Derivatives result in losses to the Licensor, the Licensor has the right to seek compensation from you. For any claims made by Third Parties against the Licensor related to your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Orion-14B SeriesModels, or the creation of Derivatives, the Licensor has the right to demand that you defend, compensate, and indemnify the Licensor and protect the Licensor from harm.



5. Dispute Resolution

The stipulation, effectiveness, interpretation, performance, modification, and termination of the Agreement, the use, copy, and Distribute of the Orion-14B SeriesModels, and dispute resolution associated with your use, copy, and distribution shall be governed by the laws of the mainland of the People's Republic of China (for the purposes of this agreement only, excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan), and the application of conflict of laws is excluded.

Any disputes arising from the use, copy, or distribution of the Orion-14B SeriesModels should first be resolved through amicable negotiations. If negotiations fail, legal proceedings should be initiated in the People's Court at the location of the Licensor.



6. Effectiveness and Termination of the Agreement


Your use of the Orion-14B SeriesModels signifies that you have read and agreed to be bound by the terms of the Agreement. The Agreement becomes effective from the date of your use of the Orion-14B SeriesModels and will terminate from the date you cease using the Orion-14B SeriesModels. If you violate any terms or restrictions in the Agreement, the Licensor reserves the right to terminate the Agreement.


Upon termination of the Agreement, you must immediately cease using the Orion-14B SeriesModels. Section 4, "Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability," and Section 5, "Dispute Resolution," of this Agreement remain in effect after the termination of this Agreement.



7. Updates to the Agreement and Contact Information


The Licensor reserves the right to update the Agreement from time to time.